Connecting CMS to a Website

Connecting CMS to a Website

CMS is short for Content Management System and refers to a software application that is driven by a database and that generates website pages in a dynamic way every time the user requests it to. To get a website connected to a CMS, you will have to install the Content Management System database and software and configure it. A large number of services that host websites offer you installation that is automatic and configuration tool for a large number of popular CMS software packages which include Drupal, Joomla and WordPress. These systems are very useful in helping one to better their websites. They help you to change the appearance of your website in accordance with what you like and it will also make navigation for your users even easier.


The first step is to determine where the connection of the CMS will be done on the website. In the event that you currently have a website that has content, you may like to have the Content Management System connected to a URL rather than the website's homepage. On the other hand, in the event that your website is still new, you may like to have the CMS connection done to the homepage.

After this, log into the hosting service of your website. Make the hosting control panel active and then navigate the section in the control panel for application installation.

The third step is to get the CMS installed. From the section for application installation, choose the CMS that you want to install. Follow the instructions from your hosting website service concerning configuration and installation of the CMS. There is a high chance that the service for web hosting will develop a database to be used by your Content Management System after which you can install the software. Put down whatever information on login or administrator that regards the database and the CMS that you fill in the course of the installation process.

The fourth step is to include a post or test page. Get into your CMS administrator login page. Include and publish a post or test page in accordance with the instructions from the Content Management System. In the event that you are unable to gain access to the login page, you may be required to install the Content Management System again.

After this you need to get the Content Management System operation verified. Log out of the administrator section of the CMS. Go to your website the same way a visitor would and then navigate to the place where the connection of the Content Management System is. Ensure that the post or test page that you had made appears the right way and that the CMS is properly functioning. Make whatever changes that you might have to. It is that simple. After this, your website is connected to the Content Management System and you get the chance to make changes on your website according to what you prefer. You will be able to resize images, customize settings among a whole load of other options.

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