How To Turn On Comments On YouTube

How To Turn On Comments On YouTube ? | Enable YouTube Comments works in 2023 How to change default comments settings for new videos How to hold comments for review How to change channel settings to Not made for kids ❖ Like & Share this Video:

❖ Steps To Turn On Comments On YouTube

Step 1 : Set Your Channel "Not Made For Kids"

- Go to Settings Tab

- Click on Channel

- Advanced Settings

- Now Set Your Channel Not Made for Kids

- Click on Save

Step 2 : Turn on Comments for Future Upload

- Go to Settings Tab

- Upload Defaults

- Advanced Settings

- Select Hold Potentially inappropriate comments for review

- Click on Save

Step 3 : Turn on Comments for current videos

- Go to Videos

- Select all videos and then click on "Edit" tab

- Click on "Comments"

- Select "Allow Comments"

- Click on "Update Videos"

Step 4 : Remove Restriction: Made for kids
- Go to Restriction tab and check if any video has "Made for kids"

- click on review and set the video "not made for kids"

- Save Video

- done

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