How To Transfer YouTube channel Old Email To New Email | Transfer To Another Google Account

How To Transfer YouTube channel Old Email To New Email | Transfer YouTube Channel To Another Google Account | Please like & share this video

❖ Step to Transfer YouTube channel Old Email To New Email

- First Login to YouTube With Your OLD Email

- Now Switch to the channel which you wan to transfer

- Now Click on Settings Tab or Visit here

- Add or Remove Manager

- Click on Manage Permissions

- Verify Your Account to continue

- Click again on manage permissions

- Click on Invite user icon

- Now Type email address where you want to transfer YouTube channel

- Choose a role as owner or manager and click on invite

- Now we need to accept the invitation from new email address, so go to new email address and accept the invitation

- Click on Accept

- Now Our YouTube Channel Transfer successfully but right now we are only owner, we need to become primary owner for the channel so for that, we need to wait for 7 days, once we passes 7 days we can primary owner for the channel

- once we passed 7 days, simply login to YouTube with your new email, Select the channel which we transfer before.

- now Click on Settings Tab or Visit here

- Add or Remove Manager

- Click on Manage Permissions

- Verify Your Account to continue

- Click again on manage permissions

- Now Simply Change owner to Primary owner for you new owner

- Click on Transfer

- Once your new owner become primary owner then you can remove old owner

- Done

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